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The Top 10 Steps for Preparing a Map of Unknown Territory

We sometimes have an inkling of where we want to go but no idea of how to
get there because the territory is unknown. In that situation the process of
discovery may be beyond logic. As I mused over my Mountain Series of Top 10s (see also BA414 and BA425) these are the questions which emerged for me. What are yours?

1. What do you see from where you are and how does it look on paper?

2. As you change your position what happens to your view? The unknown position of one point can be fixed by taking its bearings from two others which are known.

3. How can you soar with the eagles to get the benefit of a bird's-eye view?

4. What do you guess is beyond the mountains creating today's horizons?

5. What does your intuition tell you and how is it different from your guesswork?

6. What atmospheric telltales are giving you clues about the land ahead?

7. What does folklore tell you? May it have been passed down by peoples long gone and contain ancient truths?

8. What can you extrapolate from what is known of the surrounding areas?

9. Your map is like a jigsaw but by the nature of the challenge the pieces
may not fit exactly and some may be missing. Intuitively, what would you change to create the continuous fit and what would make sense in the blank spaces?

10. Be ready to fine tune your map or even amend it drastically as your
knowledge increases and your vision becomes clearer.

About the submitter:
This piece was written by Martin Sawdon who can be reached at or visited on the web at

Martin has a special interest in people in the workplace and the creation of Sustainable Workplaces, corporations which are extraordinarily profitable, extraordinarily effective if public sector but get there by growing people rather than consuming them like a fossil fuel. He coaches clients with integrity and great senses of humor, who are determined to realize achievements beyond their wildest dreams.

Coaching-Works! has been featured on radio and television.

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